
Saturday, 9 December 2017

31 Weeks Pregnant

I mentioned last week how busy I was. Well, my weekend only got busier!

Last weekend was probably the busiest I've been in one go since the start of this pregnancy. I guess I kind of warmed up to it with the visit from my mum, but a lot of that busy was midwife appointments and we did have a bit of downtime in between. No so much last week!

After meeting up with my cousin and her kids in Glasgow on the Friday, it was time to do some local shopping on the Saturday. My work has a raffle for staff members in the run up to Christmas and I've been one of the people organising it.

And I needed a haircut.

So I killed two birds with one stone, so to speak, and wandered around town picking up the vouchers I'd ordered. We also dumped a car load of stuff in to charity and had lunch out. It was a lovely way to spend a Saturday.

Mr Click and I are talking about making a weekly lunch date when Bo is born, perhaps sampling different cafes each week. It'd be a nice excuse to get out the house and a good way to show the baby off too.

The evening was spent decorating our Christmas tree and being generally festive.

I have to admit, I got a little emotional decorating the tree this year. I pulled out a bauble with Tara's teeth marks in it, from the first year we had her when she liked to help herself to shinies from the tree. And that set me off, just imagining next Christmas, decorating the tree with our ten-month-old chewing on the decorations instead. I could just imagine him sitting on the floor, nomming on a bauble and finding the whole thing highly amusing. In my head he's got these big blue eyes, his dad's slightly sticky out ears, sandy blonde hair (but not a whole lot of it) and a big, dribbly smile. It'll be interesting to see if he looks the way I imagine him to.

I'm looking forward to this Christmas, but I'm looking forward to next Christmas more!

We have got Bo's tree ornament for this year as well:

And then there was Sunday, which started like a normal Sunday but then we headed home early for the Mount Stuart Christmas Fair. The Community Band were playing at it so we took an opportunity for a wander round.

I'd have liked to have seen more of the fair but it was pretty busy, I was tired and wanted a sit down, and every few steps we bumped into someone who I hadn't seen for months who had to tell me how well I'm looking. It's true, I am looking a lot better than I was, but the feeling tired and wanting a sit down didn't really put me in the mood for having variations on the same conversation a dozen times.

The band played in the (freezing) marble chapel and it sounded great. Baby Bo went wild for some of the songs, which was kind of distracting. I spent as much time watching my belly as I did watching the band! All I Want For Christmas is a particular favourite of his. In fact, I made an effort to video the performance and watching the video back it occasionally jumps, those were the moments my son laid a particularly good kick on my arm!

As of yesterday, I'm feeling pretty big and I know I'm only going to get bigger from here on in.

I also took a photo of myself in just my underwear when I borrowed the shower at my in-laws' house this week. Pregnancy has made me feel surprisingly body positive and I'm toying with the idea of writing a blog post about my feelings there. I have a lot of feelings about my body right now and it's just a question of forming them into actual words.

Yesterday also saw us take a Snow Afternoon when we woke up to a fair covering of snow, made it down the hill from our house and realised getting home could be problematic. Mr Click made the executive decision to come get me from work at 3pm so we'd be attempting it in the daylight rather than the dark. After our second attempt to go home (I left my phone playing Christmas music to my colleagues, baby brain, and we had to go back for it about five minutes after leaving) we made it to the house and had a much needed relaxing afternoon.

I've washed a bunch of sleepsuits and three more blankets so now my thoughts are turning to the hospital bags. I really need to get those sorted in the next couple of weeks. I'm kind of holding off until my consultant appointment when we should find out when to expect the little guy, but perhaps Bo won't get that message and I don't want to be panicking about packing a bag whilst panicking about preterm labour.

Plus this week I've had a stinking cold. Bo's been fine, apart from winding me up with a quiet day when I spent much of my time second guessing whether I should call the midwife, only to have him spring to life each time I thought maybe I should. He's been rocking and rolling ever since (and is having a good squirm as I write) so it's nice to know I'm the only one who's been suffering.

This weekend is going to be spent resting, wrapping presents and, of course, getting more laundry done. I have a feeling it's going to be a good one.

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