
Saturday, 8 September 2018

Remember Me?

Uh, hi. If you're reading this it means you probably still check back here occasionally, or have subscribed to me through some sort of blog reader. You might be wondering 'who is this person?' or thinking 'the name looks familiar, where do I know it from?'

Here, I'll give you a clue:

Yeah, I know. I've been an awful blogger.

A number of things conspired against me.

  1. My baby boy is amazing and wonderful and as he grew and his personality developed I just wanted to spend more time with him than doing stuff on my computer (especially since my laptop was big and heavy and took up a lot of room when it was out). Plus, as he got bigger, along with his personality, he became rather awkward to hold on my lap whilst working on other stuff.
  2. Did you notice the past tense use of 'was' when I was talking about my laptop? The keyboard stopped working properly. Do you know how hard it is to write blog posts for Click's Clan when your C-key doesn't work properly? Yeah. It's tough.
  3. We had some medical issues, both Laurie and I. His was lack of weight gain due to his tongue tie not being snipped; mine was a complication related to his birth. We're both more or less on track now. He's getting weighed once a fortnight and I'm getting physiotherapy.
  4. I got involved in a local community group and dedicated a lot of time to it, which ate into my free time for doing things I enjoyed, like blogging. Then there was a big breastfeeding hoo-hah right around the time Laurie turned six months old (when I was planning a comeback blog post) and it made me want to not talk to people very much.
So what's happened since I last blogged.
  1. Well as you can see above, my baby boy has grown and grown. Actually he's still a pretty dinky 15lbs 6oz, but he's long. His legs are in 6-9 month clothes now but his waist and chest can still fit into newborn size clothes!
  2. Laurie has learned to roll over (in both directions), sit up by himself, pull himself up on our hands, and hold on to us to walk around the room. He has a variety of shouts and shrieks that he employs when he wants our attention (or anything else). He follows Tara around calling 'wuwu'. He's trying to say 'hello'. He's just incredible.
  3. I've got a new laptop. It's tiny and shiny (and desperately in need of a name because I love it and referring to it as 'my laptop' just feels terribly impersonal). It even has working USB sockets. And a keyboard I can type the letter C on without resorting to copy and paste. Look CCCCCccccCCCCC!!!
  4. I enrolled for another degree with the Open University. Laurie's a pretty easy going baby and I kind of wish I'd started a course at the beginning of my maternity leave. Degree number three is in Classical Studies and I'm starting A105 Voices, Texts and Material Culture within the next month.
I'm hoping to get some update posts up in the coming weeks to try and catch things up to where we are now. And I fully intend to start blogging regularly again now. I'm not sure how often through the week I'll get to it, but I'd like to think at least once a week.

It'll be a nice distraction from the late night studying.

But anyway, what's new with you?


  1. Good to see you back and hear everything is going swimmingly!

    1. Thank you. I need to get caught up with all my blog reading now. ;-)

  2. Hello! I had wondered how you were but assumed, correctly, that blogging was incompatible with new motherhood. Nice to hear from you and to know that all is well.

    1. I've seen so many IVF blogs where things fizzle out when the baby is born and I was determined that wouldn't be me. But I just needed some time to get things back on track. :-)

  3. Just glad to know all is well ... and you're both sorting life out - take care and all the best - Hilary

  4. Lovely to see you back again :) And congratulations :)

  5. I remember you! It sounds like you’ve been busy. The baby is adorable, and congrats on the new computer. Good luck with your classes!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Thank you. It's definitely a busy year. :-) And it's only getting busier!


Let me know what you think. :-)