
All About Me

This is my blog, so I pretty much spend most of my time talking about myself, but maybe you don't have time to look back through all my old posts, or maybe you're a stalker or something and just can't get enough. Whatever the reason, here's a little bit more information about me.

My actual name is Cait and I live on a small Scottish island. I moved here when I was fourteen after visiting several times on holiday. Before that I lived just outside Bristol in a town whose claim to fame was that it was where Casualty used to film its car crash scenes.

I married my husband in 2009, on Christmas Eve. We'd been together for a while before that and engaged for almost as long. On here you'll see him referred to as Mr Click. He's a pretty wonderful husband and knows exactly how to take care of me. We've been trying to start a family since December 2009 which has turned into quite an interesting journey.

At the moment my 'Clan' mostly consists of our Labrador, Tara, who we adopted in April 2012. She's kind of crazy, so she fits into our household well. She's mellowed out quite a bit since we got her and we're not enjoying having a sleepy Labrador who is only really properly awake for about four hours a day. Unfortunately during those four awake hours she is on the go. All. The. Time. We have also recently adopted two little boy rats who are little furry badges of my geekiness; they're named Yoda and Wicket.

The island where we live is beautiful. If you're hanging out on my blog you'll see lots of photos of the place. I can't help myself. We live in a particularly beautiful area with 350 acres of land that we're free to roam around. As you can imagine this makes for lots of photos. There's some fantastic wildlife here; walks often include encounters with frogs/toads, hedgehogs, deer, hares and pheasants.

I read. A lot. I'll pretty much read anything you put in front of me that sits still long enough. My favourite author will always be Tolkien, though I'm a fan of all sorts of fantasy. My bookcase includes Terry Pratchett, J.K. Rowling, Kathy Reichs, Jean M. Auel, Lemony Snicket, and no end of other writers. Let's not get started on the books on my Kindle!

We don't have a TV. Well, we have a TV but we can't watch proper TV on it. We have no phone line, no aerial, no Sky and no TV license. These were all things we plan to get eventually, but the longer we go without them, the less we want them. We buy (and watch) box sets of TV series on DVD and Blu-ray (and there are a couple of programmes that my in-laws Sky+ for us). We also have no broadband. This is slightly harder for me to deal with.

I taught myself to knit a few years ago and now I'm slightly addicted. You'll see a lot of knitting-related blog posts here, for this I apologise. I realise photos of knitted chickens frolicking in a garden aren't really everyone's cup of tea. I try to keep the knitting posts to a minimum, at the moment it's about one a week (if I'm really on a role).

I've gotten into the habit of blogging every day. There is some sort of order in the madness; Tuesdays are book review days, Thursdays are Day Zero Project days, Saturdays are film review days. I've also brought in Wordless Wednesday posts this year, where I just post a photo with no text. I've also started doing a Chapter-by-Chapter review of the Lemony Snicket Series of Unfortunate Events books which is currently on a Friday but as I've realised this'll take approximately three years to blog through I'm planning on upping the frequency of these posts.

On Sundays I post a Weekly Rundown which is sort of a summary of what I've been reading, watching and up to during the previous week. You can also expect to hear stories about Tara and the ratties, random bloggy stuff and general posts about things I've seen, places I've been and whatever happens to be on my mind when I sit down at the computer.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Well, it seems we have things in common. I look froward to getting to know you here!
    Annie @ <a href=">~McGuffy's Reader~</a>

  3. Ooooh. You had me at "Scottish Island" :-)


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