
Day Zero Project

I started my Day Zero Project on New Year’s Day 2012, this is how I’m getting on:
  1. Learn to drive a manual car
  2. Complete a 365 day photo challenge Completed! Did it in 2012
  3. Read 52 books in a year Completed! Managed 107 in 2012
  4. Complete each knitting project I start In progress (since 1st January 2012) – so far so good!
  5. Complete NaNoWriMo Completed! Did it in 2012
  6. Start a family In progress (on the waiting list for IVF, should be at the top April 2014, Update: Starting private IVF 2013)
  7. Complete my degree
  8. Go to a concert
  9. Take a week’s holiday
  10. Donate blood
  11. Get a promotion
  12. Make something with my sewing machine
  13. Learn to play a song on my violin
  14. Buy my husband a pocket trumpet Completed! Bought for him when he completed his degree 2012
  15. Learn to cook 10 meals
  16. Make a book of our favourite recipes
  17. Buy a new bookcase Completed! Bought in 2012
  18. Get a 50mm camera lens
  19. Put some money in Premium Bonds Completed! (May 2012)
  20. Update my blog at least once a week In progress (since January 2012) – thanks to scheduled posts, so far so good!
  21. Change my maiden name to my married name on all official stuff
  22. Make a photo wall
  23. Clear out the spare bedroom
  24. Sort and organise all jewellery
  25. Go through clothes every six months and donate unwanted ones to charity
  26. Buy a washing machine Completed! (16th February 2012)
  27. Buy a desk Completed! My in-laws bought a desk for themselves, so we brought Mr Click's one home 2013.
  28. Adopt a dog Completed! (16th April 2012) Adopted our lovely black lab Tara
  29. Research and buy a camera flash
  30. Record the books I read in a book journal with a review In progress (since 1st January 2012)
  31. Buy and watch every series of ER In progress - Mr Click bought the box set for my birthday 2013
  32. Make something for the house by hand
  33. Get some pot plants for the garden In progress – so far we have two fir trees out the front and a palmy thing in the back garden
  34. Keep the pot plants in the garden alive for a year In progress – things are looking a bit brown, buying plant food & crossing our fingers!
  35. Grow strawberries
  36. Finish writing Behind The Scenes
  37. Have a board game night regularly
  38. Research options for MA
  39. Take a walk at least once a week In progress - since we've got Tara we're taking at least one little walk a day
  40. Hit step target every day for a month Completed! (April/May 2012)
  41. Get an address book Completed (February 2012) 
  42. Write at least one letter to a friend each month
  43. Pay back my father-in-law Completed (February 2012)
  44. Buy a dress I feel confident enough to wear Completed! Bought myself a dress for an awards dinner at work, and I love it!
  45. Get breakfast in bed for my husband Completed (December 2013)
  46. Cook a romantic meal from scratch for my husband
  47. Volunteer for something at work Completed! (April 2012) Now on a committee
  48. Learn to crochet
  49. Get my coffee table revarnished
  50. Reorganise the music on my mp3 player
  51. Finish the video of our trip to North Yorkshire
  52. Fix my mum-in-law’s computer
  53. Write notes to my husband and hide them around the house for him to find
  54. Give up chocolate for a month
  55. Read all of my literature course books before the course starts
  56. Get the Star Wars films on blu-ray
  57. Watch all the Lord of the Rings films in one day
  58. Watch all the special features on the Lord of the Rings films
  59. Watch all of the Harry Potter films in one weekend Completed! (Easter weekend, April 2012)
  60. Watch all of the Star Wars films in one weekend
  61. Learn to play a song on the keyboard
  62. Have a picnic in our living room
  63. Do a jigsaw puzzle together Completed (February 2012)
  64. Modify my brightly coloured music dress into something cute and wearable
  65. Take part in a pub quiz
  66. Relearn how to make origami cranes Completed (February 2012)
  67. Get an umbrella. Use it
  68. Make a calendar
  69. Paint all of my Lord of the Rings figures
  70. Organise magazines I want to keep, get rid of ones I don’t
  71. Reorganise downstairs cupboard Completed (March 2012)
  72. Reorganise upstairs cupboard
  73. Speak to the dentist about my wisdom teeth Completed! They're all good but if I have too much trouble with them I'll get them out (2013)
  74. Add the birthdays of all my friends to my diary
  75. Get my Bilbo’s Last Song poster framed
  76. Join my mum-in-law for bingo
  77. Win a competition
  78. List to every song on my mp3 player (even the duplicates) In progress (since March-ish) – About halfway through
  79. Make my own Christmas cards
  80. Make mood playlists on my mp3 player
  81. Get my eyes checked out Completed! April 2013 - I have a freckle in my right eye which needs to be checked out
  82. Get an advent calendar with drawers
  83. Knit a hat, gloves/mittens & scarf set for myself In progress – just need to find the motivation to sew it all up!
  84. Investigate post-graduate courses
  85. Knit a hat, gloves/mittens & scarf set for a friend
  86. Put the contents of the eBay box(es) up on eBay
  87. Read all of the Terry Pratchett Discworld novels Completed! – April 2013 finally read the last one
  88. Buy fifteen books from an independent bookshop In progress - have bought five so far
  89. Join the Bone Marrow Register
  90. Buy & wear a Christmas jumper Completed! Bought for Christmas 2012, wore it for a family visit, to work & on Christmas day
  91. Go horse riding
  92. Go on a honeymoon
  93. Donate my hair
  94. Buy some wool with an actual project in mind, then make it
  95. See both Hobbit films in Glasgow
  96. Use Bookmooch to get rid of unloved books
  97. Keep a record of books mentioned in other books and add to my To Read list In progress – have started a ‘To Remember’ list for them
  98. Make a list of all the books we own
  99. Make a list of all the videos, DVDs & blu-rays that we own
  100. Write a letter to my future children
  101. Write another 101 Things to do in 1001 days


  1. I love this to do list, I might have to start my own. Good luck with your tasks, and A230 .

    1. Hi and thanks.

      It was really good fun to come up with. I need to go through and update it actually, I'm sure there are some things on there I've completed.

      And good luck with A230 too. :-D

  2. Fellow Day Zero Project-er! Love your list.

    1. Thank you. I've neglected it rather a lot recently. I think starting next year I'll have to make another one. :-)

  3. Love the list as well! I snagged a few items as ideas for my next 101 in 1001. I currently have one in progress.

    1. Glad you got some ideas from it. Good luck with yours. :-)


Let me know what you think. :-)