
Friday, 22 September 2017

20 Weeks Pregnant

We've reached the halfway point! Who ever thought I'd ever get to this stage?!

This week Facebook popped up a memory reminding me that a year ago that day we'd gone to Glasgow for our WTF appointment after our failed cycle that summer. That was the day when we put the plan in place which ultimately led to Baby Bo being conceived, transferred and us reaching where we are today. It's been a long time coming.

Today I'm looking decidedly rounder than I was last year:

And the reason for the big grin today?

Well we had our 20 Week scan today. And I know you've seen pictures of Baby Bo before, but humour me with one more.

Allow me to introduce my son:

Yes, son.

It's looking like Baby Bo is almost certainly a boy. I'm having a son. A son who apparently is already an intellectual given his evident resemblance to The Thinker.

For a while it didn't look like we were going to be able to find out. Bo was sitting nice and comfy with his bum planted deep in my pelvis and his head off towards my left hand side.

Eventually, after trying a hip wiggle which did absolutely nothing to reposition my stubborn little son, I was instructed to go take a walk. We took the stairs down to the ground floor, walked round then back up the stairs again. I may have jogged on the spot and tried touching my toes in an attempt to shift him up a little way.

It made very little difference.

Baby Bo turned round slightly so we established he has a spine and pair of kidneys. But we still have to go back next week to have another look at his heart which was registering a little above the normal range; probably because of the orange juice, chocolate bar and running up and down stairs. Hopefully all will be good at that scan and we'll get to enjoy another sneak peek at our baby boy.

Once we'd established all of this A, who was doing the scan, asked if we'd like tip know the sex. Well, Mr Click and I have £35 riding on whether we're having a boy or a girl. She took a look and she was pretty certain Baby Bo is a little boy.

That means I won the bet.

And I get to have a little boy too.


  1. YAY!!!! Congratulations on winning your bet. And also on your beautiful son. All the best my dear.

    And I love the picture, he looks like such a cutie in his thinking pose. :)

  2. That's awesome. I'm so happy for you.

  3. Awwwwwwwwwww as a mom of three sons, you will truly never have a dull moment with a son. Congrats.


Let me know what you think. :-)