
Friday, 29 September 2017

21 Weeks Pregnant

Dear Baby Bo,

I feel like it's time that I addressed one of these updates to you directly. Hi little guy! I'm your mum. I'm the one whose bladder you're currently using as a pillow and enjoying feeling you kick.

Right now I look like this:

We got another sneak peek at you today, thanks to your shenanigans last week when your heart rate was higher than they liked for a baby of your age. I must confess, thus was entirely my fault. After you wouldn't move from your Baby Buddha position in my pelvis, I took it upon myself to try running up the stairs back to the maternity floor at the hospital. It got my heart pumping and apparently yours too!

This time we were a lot calmer. The consultant we saw complimented us on what a compliant baby you were, just to show us up after last week, I'm sure. Your heart was perfect, just like the rest of you.

You did put on quite a show for us though. Even Dr M couldn't help but laugh when you decided to demonstrate how flexible you are by sticking your foot up your nose!

So not only are you a great thinker; you're a bit of a clown as well!

I feel like I'm getting to know you now.

We often lie awake together in the wee small hours of the morning, you giving me little kicks and nudges and me rubbing or gently poking you back.

You tend to find work boring and don't bother kicking too much, unless I crack out the dry roasted peanuts. I tried switching out the Philadelphia and Ryvitas we have been having for lunch there for cold pasta, because I was getting bored. You weren't impressed and I threw up on both Monday and Tuesday this week. We switched back to the Philly on Wednesday and you've gone easy on me ever since. I can't believe you're not even born yet and I'm already giving in to your demands!

You don't like having your space invaded. You didn't seem to appreciate your 12 week scan. When the midwife used the doppler on you at 17 weeks you kicked out at it. At your scan last week you were pushing up against the scanner as though you were trying to get it out your personal bubble. I don't blame you, I don't like people invading my personal space either!

You've got a comfortable spot in there too and don't seem in any rush to move out of it. I kind of like that though. The strong thumps to my right are your feet, the lighter ones to the left or middle are your hands, the occasional jab to the left is your head and is usually followed by a ripple as you adjust your position. Yesterday at work I got a strange flip flop sensation which I think was you turning over.

It's going to be a long wait until we see you again in December, but I'm going to enjoy getting to know you from your movements in the meantime.

Keep growing and getting stronger, little boy.

I love you so much already and more with each passing week.

Your Mummy


  1. If ever I need to smile and be reminded that good things happen in this world once in a while, I come and look at your blog. It's brilliant that this is happening for you x

  2. Aww, I’m glad everything is going well. (Except for the throwing up. That can’t be fun.)

    Aj @ Read All The Things!


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