I've spent the last week reading Swallows and Amazons by Arthur Ransome. It's seemed to take me forever to get through it. Although the book is 400 pages long, it's not actually that long because the text is quite big and there are some full page illustrations, for some reason I just haven't seemed to be able to read it very quickly.
In the end on Friday I decided that I wanted it done by the following day and read about fifty pages, then ploughed through the rest first thing the following morning, whilst watching the Back to the Future films, relaxing in the bath, and in bed last thing.
As soon as I finished I picked up Tom's Midnight Garden which I've read a lot more recently and I'm already over 50 pages through it. Again it's fairly large print with some big pictures are the beginnings of chapters, but it's only 200 pages long so I'm anticipating getting through it well before the end of the week.
This week we finally reached the end of Friends. It's not taken us that long to watch the whole series. A few weeks ago we started watching them four episodes at the time and as each series consists of three double-sided discs we've pretty much been able to watch one series a week. I'll do a bigger post on that later in the week. Tomorrow we'll start watching The Good Life, which I got for my birthday last year.
I mentioned earlier in the weeks that I'd got a clean bill of health at my eyeball freckle appointment. I'm inclined to be a bit of a baby about my eyes so Mr Click promised me a trip to the craft shop at Cardwell Garden Centre if I behaved myself.
I did, so I was treated to some lovely variegated yarn. It's King Cole so proper branded stuff as well. On the ferry on the way home I cast on for a hexipuff:

It's really pretty yarn, lime green plied with a multi-coloured strand. I have decided that as nice as it looks in a hexipuff, it really wants to be a dragon. The Cuddly Knitted Animals book that I won from Simply Knitting has a pattern for a dragon in it. It looks kind of complicated but I think it'll be really effective once it's finished.
And in the meantime I've been working on getting my octopus finished. This week I decided that I just had to get him finished and spent the last few days sewing on legs and weaving in scarf ends. Right now I'm just finishing off his hat.

I love the rainbow effect this stripe pattern has created. It fits him perfectly but I kind of want to scale it up and make one for myself. All that's left to do now is to take it off the needles, sew it up, and make a pom-pom to go on the top.
And then I need to settle 100% on what I'm going to knit next!
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