This week has seen a break in the bad weather (there have actually been whole days when it
hasn't rained!) and also a bit more daylight in the evenings (which does make taking photos easier, that is, if you've not got your camera left on the wrong setting).
Day 29: All Academic |
On Sunday we managed to get Mr. Click's assignment submitted. He'd done most of it the day before, so we spent a bit of time polishing it off and making sure all that his references were in order. I have to admit, I'm a little bit jealous. My course is all about linguistics and what makes language use creative (which I find fascinating and will geekily talk about for hours), but his is music based which means he gets to make reference to interesting things like the
Lord of the Rings special features and
Disney's Fantasia.
I took advantage of the extra few minutes of daylight on Monday to take a photo of the view out of our front door as it was one of the suggested 365 prompts I'd collected. I didn't switch the settings on the camera so the white balance was a little bit off and there was only really one which was salvageable as my photo for the day.
Day 30: Out The Front Door |
These were the trees that we watched bending right over during the bad weather a month ago. I'm amazed that they're still standing now. Unfortunately the picture I took of the Big House through the trees, all lit up and looking creepy, didn't come out right, so I'll have to save that one for another day.
This week we also got a resolution to a little problem we'd been having with British Gas. They had sent us a gas bill, which was fair enough, except for the fact that it was about eleven times what we pay each month for our gas (with a company which isn't actually British Gas) and the gas metre they were getting their readings from was apparently located in North Yorkshire.
Day 31: Final Balance |
I also decided to mirror the photo I'd taken out the front door by grabbing one which was (almost) the view out the back door. Once again, I still had the camera on the wrong setting, but it didn't come out too badly this time.
Day 32: In The Garden |
This is also pretty much the view we have of this tree when we're in the bathroom. I've been noticing how blue the sky looks and the contrast of the branches since way back before Christmas (when my camera was feeling poorly and I couldn't actually get a photo of it) so I'm glad that I've finally managed to grab a picture of it.
This week I've also managed to tick off another two of my things to do on my Day Zero Project. The first of which was to pay back my Father-in-law the money that I'd owed him. Discounting the thousands of pounds of student loans I owe, I'm now pretty much debt free. ;-)
Day 33: 1000 Cranes |
Relearning how to fold origami cranes was another thing I was able to tick off. I used to be able to do them years ago and then was disappointed to discover that it was something I'd forgotten when I reattempted it recently. So I stuck it on my list figuring it would be something easy to do. A bit of fiddling with some paper (and a bit of googling) reminded me of what needed to be done.
Of course I then spent my free time at work folding smaller and smaller cranes from little scraps of paper. I can see this becoming an obsession.
That day we drove home from work the 'long way' so that I could try and get a picture of the sunset. I could picture the reds and oranges lighting the snow over Arran. Unfortunately we didn't get there in time (and I still hadn't realised that I had the wrong white balance settings on my camera) so I had to settle for something a little bluer.
Day 34: Sunset Over Arran |
I'm hoping that we might repeat the trip in the next couple of weeks so I can see if I can get a better picture, so I really hope that snow sticks around for a while.
And yesterday, well, I had big plans for going for a walk, but that was foiled in part by the weather (which did not inspire me to go out at all) and the fact that I was nice and cosy in my jammies. I spent most of the day reading because the next book on my list was
The Last Hero which is a little bit too large to take to work (or anywhere really).
I did spend a bit of time studying though, which is probably just as well considering I've got an assignment due in next week. It suddenly occurred to me that the course books have been cleverly colour-coded to match the colours of the set books on the course. I forget exactly what I had planned to take my photo of yesterday, but I was so amazed by this clever colour-coding, that I went for a photo of that instead.
Day 35: Colour-coded |
And plans for this week? Well, I'm working on this assignment, I'm looking forward to a day off work the week after (even if part of the reason for a day off is for a hospital appointment) and I've already gotten my next half dozen books lined up for reading. We're also onto our last series (that we own) of Spooks, so I foresee a shopping trip in my future, along with the washing machine that we're planning to pick up soon as well.
Oh yes, it's going to be an exciting week in the Click-household.
Splendid photos as always, and equally as always, I am envious of your island life!