I'm being really organised with my photos this week. Most days I've put off taking my picture until the very last minute which has produced some... interesting results. We've been stopping with my in-laws while my father-in-law gets his knee fixed, so most photos have been snapped in our room while we've been getting ready for bed.
We brought a load of damp laundry with us, which saved time in packing. We had a week's worth of clothes right there. The plan was to be back home once my father-in-law was out of hospital, but due to delays and complications we've been here a bit longer so mid-way through the week we had to go home and grab more supplies.
Day 50: Ready For Work |
All of our clothes are still spread between the laundry basket and the backpack that we brought with us. Mr. Click did do some emergency laundry earlier in the week because I somehow managed to miscalculate the underwear situation and things were getting a bit desperate.
I also finally cracked into the Rolos that Mr. Click put in my Christmas stocking. He got me a lovely personalised pack, which I had been planning to eat (and photograph) on Valentine's Day. He kept putting them in my lunchbox for work and by Monday I cracked and finally decided to pig them all... but not before taking a photo for posterity.
Day 51: My Last Rolo |
Chocolate was also the theme for the day on Tuesday. I'd been craving it all day (and had done a very good job of resisting the vending machine at work), but I hinted that when Mr. Click went out for his band practice, he might like to bring back a treat.
He didn't disappoint me.
Day 52: More Chocolate |
He actually had the foresight to bring back two bars. One of which we pigged out on while we watched TV that evening and the second we polished off together last night. And just typing this out just now and looking at the pictures I took is making me crave it again. Thankfully I still have those last three Rolos in the bedroom, I shall have to go and tidy those up.
I've been continuing with the origami folding as well. Not so well unfortunately. The pig has me beaten. One of the guys at work brought me some proper origami paper this week and having looked at it I've decided that I need to make some flowers to decorate my work desk with (at the moment I have about a hundred cranes).
Day 53: Lotus Blossom |
I took another last minute photo of the little flower that I made. It would definitely look nice with proper coloured paper, in the white it just looks like a piece of folded white paper. I couldn't get it right when I was trying it at work the following day though, so I'll have to have another go once I've reminded myself how I did it.
As part of my Project 365+1 I've been trying to get some good photos of our girls. After my success with my random pointing and clicking in Bell's direction last week, I was hoping for something similar this week. It's really not very easy. They're such little clowns, even Bell doesn't sit still for long once the top of the cage is opened. Ivy is scared of the camera and Carol moves too quickly to catch in a picture (instead I have lots of insane close-ups, bits of her bum, or tail, or ears).
Day 54: Fish Supper |
Holly, on the other hand, well she was easily bribed with a bit of fish. She was perfectly happy for me to point the loud clicky thing at her, as long as she was allowed to pig out a bit. I'll have to post the twenty or so photos that I had to take in order to get this one half-way reasonable one which is actually in focus. There's one where Carol is so close to the lens that she's just a pig-shaped blur, and several of Bell being a goof (and one of Ivy looking like I'm about to eat her).
The girls have been rather spoilt while we've been staying here. We always give them leftovers, but with an extra two people in the house, there've been rather more leftovers than usual. Last night we had one of my favourites, these really big meaty lamb burgers. The smell from them cooking in the kitchen sent the girls wild, so we had to make sure that they didn't miss out.
Day 55: Spoilt bRats |
They truly are spoilt
brats. They were climbing the bars trying to get to this as soon as we brought it into the room. I should probably add that they don't get treats like this all the time (although to look at Holly, you'd never believe me), they always fail to be impressed with rat nougats after a big treat like this.
Day 56: Highland Health |
And of course, because this has been a week of hospital appointments and the like (and I needed a picture to illustrate yesterday's blog entry), I thought a shot of the letter I'd received from the NHS would be suitable for yesterday's picture. I actually think it's probably the best one of the week so far. I must try harder next week.
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