The idea is that for each day of the challenge you knit two hexipuffs in one of the rainbow colours. I've been going through the rainbow in order, starting with red and ending with purple. As my puffs have all been plain up to this point it's encouraged me to get a little bit creative.

The first day asked us to use purl stitch in some way. I did a basic pattern alternating a row of knit with a row of purl for my first puff. Then I got really creative and made a chart with a large purled heart on one corner and three small ones diagonally opposite.

The next day was a cable challenge. Aside from some leg warmers (which I frogged) and some hats (which I didn't) I haven't had much experience cabling. I dug out a stitch dictionary that I got years ago in Cornwall. In the picture above, the one on the right is my favourite.

And these are my most recent puffs. The iPhone picture doesn't show it very clearly but these are bright yellow and dark green. The first is just a two by two stripe pattern but I decided to get clever and used a VW logo chart I found on Ravelry. I did it Fair Isle style which led to a bit of puckering but it turned out fairly recognisable. Mr Click recognised it and I kind of made it for him so that was the main thing.
Next up is two puffs using some other stitch pattern besides Stockinette. Looks like I'll be looking through my stitch dictionary for inspiration again!
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