No, I’m not talking about the Olympics here. I mean one half of a very
important combination when you’re wanting to make a baby. I realise that the
correct word here is sperm, and I’m perfectly aware that it starts with the same
letter, but I always think of them as ‘little swimmers’ and this is my blog, so
there you go!
When you’re struggling to have a baby there are four possible outcomes to the
tests: there’s actually nothing wrong, there’s something wrong with the woman,
there’s something wrong with the man, or there’s something wrong with both of
them. We’re lucky in that we fall into the second category; not getting pregnant
is all my fault, so Mr Click’s swimmers are off the hook. Men kind of get the
easy end of the stick when it comes to their tests. To establish who was the
cause of the problem I’ve had no less than three blood tests plus surgery to
figure out what was going on with my body. Men on the other hand get to go into
a little room by themselves for ten minutes, picture Zooey Deschanel, and enjoy
I realise that this is just as hard on (no pun intended) the men as the
women, although it maybe doesn’t quite seem like that at first blush. I’ve got
plenty of online friends going through exactly the same things I am, but their
husbands have been very reluctant to produce their ‘sample’. I can kind of see
where they are coming from there; imagine being told that your little guys are
no good. And they can be no good in any number of ways; they might be swimming
in the wrong direction, or too slow, or be a funny shape, or just not be a great
quantity, there might not be any there at all!
Men might only have one big test to do in this whole infertility game, but I
think it puts just as much pressure on them as on the women. I suppose I can see
it from both sides; the frustration of the women who need their partners to go
and get intimate with a cup, but also the fear of the guys that there might be
something wrong and that it might somehow emasculate them.
I know I’m very lucky that Mr Click felt like this was something we were both
in together and has taken it all in his stride. It’s something we’re able to
laugh about too which is probably important; I suppose that’s why I call them
little swimmers.
I hope everything works out for you! Your new follower, Shawn from Reading Practice